Inventory of wood burning installations and residential emissions

The scope of the present study was to obtain accurate estimates of emissions from air pollutants and greenhouse gases stemming from residential heating in households by wood-fired installations. 

In a first phase of the project, the current boiler/stove park by type and age of the installation was mapped based on an online survey. This provides a good view of the current boiler/stove park. The survey results were combined by VITO into input required to update the residential emission model EISSA-B. In addition to the current boiler/stove park the evolution of the boiler/stove park since 1990 has been estimated. The mapping of the boiler/stove park and its evolution essentially comprises 2 major aspects. On the one hand, there is the age of the boiler/stove park: what does the age distribution per type of installation look like in a certain year and how does this distribution evolve over time? On the other hand, there are the shares of the various installation and fuel types within the entire boiler/stove park: what are the shares of the various installation and fuel types to the total Flemish wood use in a given year and how do these shares per type evolve over time? 

In addition to updating the boiler/stove park in EISSA-B, the software package received major upgrades. Additional functionalities for aggregation/disaggregation have been added to match the output to formats for reporting and any coupled air quality model.  This updated EISSA-B tool is applied to calculate spatially disaggregated Flemish emissions stemming from residential heating in households by wood fired installations for a selection of years and pollutants.

wood burning EISSA

wood burning EISSA 2


Client: Flanders Environment Agency
